Several weeks ago I decided to join
Weight Watchers in an effort to loose those pesky pounds that have

invaded my body the last 15 or so years. As the pounds gradually add up I didn’t notice at first then clothes don’t fit quite the way they should and the next thing you know I have to buy the next size up, and so on. I am not going to post a before photo and probably won’t post an after photo as that would be just too scary!
A Weight Watcher’s group formed in our town and I didn’t join when they first organized the group the first part of September but after talking to a couple of friends that had joined I decided to give it a try as they were having success. It has been a learning experience and not too difficult to follow the program. I have found that I was eating way too large of servings and have cut down the amount of meat I eat but eat a well balanced diet and don’t feel hungry most of the time. I love the support of the group as well as the new things I have learned and have not missed a meeting.
Weight Watchers also encourages increasing your physical activity to help loose the pounds. I started walking and now walk around 30 minutes at least every other day. At first I walked shorter times and distances but have worked up to walking almost 1 1/2 of a mile in those 30 minutes. Going from a rather sedentary life it took me a while to actually enjoy walking but now I miss it if I can’t walk.

What might surprise you is where I walk. I walk at our town cemetery….surprised? It is the perfect place to walk and a lot of local people do walk there for exercise so I wave at friends as we meet on the streets. It is a pretty little cemetery with paved streets and most of the time there are no cars driving around so it is safe too. The outside road is exactly 1/2 mile so twice around is a mile, isn't that convenient! I live in the country along a highway that is just too busy and too dangerous to walk so needed another option. Was glad when I was told so many people walk at the cemetery as it is perfect and only about 5 miles away and I had never thought of walking there before.
I love listening to audio books as I walk as the time flies while the stories unfold. I also like to read the names on the stones as I pass and imagine what those unknown people were like, where they lived, who they loved, etc. The older names are just wonderful - Artha and Floydean, two women who's earthly bodies rest there.
The weather so far has cooperated with walking outside most days and last week the temperatures were in the low 60s but have dropped to mid 40s this week so have to bundle up more. One of these days it will be too snowy, cold or wet to walk outside so will have to use the treadmill. Walking feels good, my ankle is more flexible and getting out into the fresh air and sunshine can’t be beat.

Now the good news…..drum roll……I have lost 13 pounds in 6 weeks. I am absolutely thrilled! Loosing weight keeps me motivated and hope I can keep loosing a little at a time until I reach my goal. I have a goal set through the program but I don’t necessarily feel I need to get that low so will just decided when I feel good at where I am I will stop and go to a maintenance program even if it is not down to the set goal. I don’t want my weight so low I can’t maintain it but will try to keep my portions in check and keep doing the walking to stay healthy.
I have weigh in and meetings on Wed. afternoons so don’t know how I did with Thanksgiving dinner for a few more days yet. According to the WW points system I think I was OK and did not overeat. I have not been able to walk as much earlier this week so am hoping I will have lost again when I weigh in on Wed.
Until later,