My sisters, niece and friend again stayed with the wonderful Betty Jane, the mother in law of our friend. She is such a sweet woman and makes us all feel so welcome each year. Here is a photo of us the day we left for home in our matching t-shirts from the show.
Here is a link to see some of the winning quilts at the Paducah show. It takes a bit of time to load the photos but you can zoom up to see details of these beautiful quilts.
This YouTube video shows parts of lots of quilts set to music. The message at the end says there will be part 2 posted later.
Video of Pat Kuhns from Lincoln with Bonnie Browning about her quilt -
Watch the interview with Susan Stewart from Kansas – wow what a story.
I found these videos on this page where they interview more of the winners and have more videos you can watch.
This is one of the quilts we saw in Paducah and I also read her blog so knew it was going to be there She wrote this interesting story about her winning quilt she entered in the show on this blog post. I had read about it before but thought you all would be interested in the story of this quilt.
She also blogged about her quilt and being at Paducah.
Until Later,