Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Flower Centers

I didn't get much done yesterday but look at this new block and ponder leaf fabric selection and flower center selection. I did choose to use the brighter flowers, chose a different fabric for the large leaves, then looked at my choice for centers.

The gold fabric I thought I wanted just was too dull, needed something with a little more spark to it so cut out a brighter orange/yellow center and laid it on one of the flowers - much better. Look at the photo above - the flower on the left has the first choice and the one on the right has my final selection. Also changed the fabric for the larger leaves as I found a bit brighter fabric that also gives the basket block a little more life.

I really enjoy the fabric selection process so didn't mind cutting out all the leaves over again and removing the fused centers and replacing them with the better choice.

In case you might be curious this is how I place these small applique pieces for fusing.
I use the long tweezers that came with my serger and a stiletto to place the pieces and move them into the correct position. I do however cut them out holding onto the fabric. I like to use a micro serrated pair of scissors by Elan to cut the small shapes out. I can clip off areas that need smoothing with these scissors too as they grab the fabric as I am cutting so can cut just tiny bits if I need to.
Have the basket of flowers fused to the background now and have started doing the buttonhole stitch around the different parts this morning using the silk YLI thread. So far so good but have to run an errand this afternoon so won't get it all done until later.

We have 31 calves now - had 6 on Sunday and 5 yesterday and only one so far today. If they keep up this pace we will be done soon. Of course there are always some that are late every year.

The wind is really blowing hard again today only this time it is from the north west plus it is cold, cold cold! The corn shucks that blew out of my flower beds on Sunday are back again today. Will be glad when everything greens up and crops are planted to keep those pesky shucks out of my flower beds.

We are lucky though as some areas of Nebraska are getting a doosie of a snow storm. Just talked to my brother in central Nebraska and they had an inch plus lots of wind so it piled up in drifts. Think the north part of Nebraska was predicted to get 5 to 8" snow plus the high winds - YUCK!!! I want it to be spring.

Back to the sewing machine for a little more stitching before I have to leave.


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