The surgery went well yesterday on my ankle and I made it home by 8 pm. It felt good to sleep in my own bed. Didn't get into surgery until 1:30 for the two hour procedure so the morning really dragged. I was getting a little nervous waiting but kept it in check and John helped by keeping me busy talking about all kinds of things as we waited.
The Dr. fixed the bones and only had to make one incision on the outside of my ankle instead of the two he thought he might have to make. The displaced broken leg bone on the inside of my leg slipped back into place so he didn't have to make an incision. I do have a plate and 8 screws in my ankle now though. These will have to come out in 12 weeks.
I was worried about nausea from the anesthetic and a long wake up time like I usually have from being anesthetized. I was given 3-4 kinds of anti-nausea meds before surgery and that must have done the trick as I didn't have any nausea and what ever kind of anesthetic they gave me worked good and I woke up in a normal amt. of time instead of the 4-5 hours it usually takes me to not be groggy.
I am to spend the first 2 days with my foot elevated with ice then will be able to put it down to do a few things. I will still have to elevate is some every day for a while though.
The Dr. came in to visit with me before the surgery and I asked him about going to our state quilt convention (QuiltNebraska or QNE) coming up the 22 of July. I wanted his advice on how I should be feeling in 3 1/2 weeks and if I should even consider it. I was thrilled to hear that he thought I would be up and around on my knee walker and could sure plan on going. I was thrilled to hear that as I had been worried I would not be able to go this year.
I had not signed up for any sewing machine classes so that is in my favor too - no sewing machine to lug around. The gals I normally room with at QuiltNebraska have a room reserved on the 2nd floor and I know I won't be able to go up and down those long flights of stairs so contacted a gal I knew had a room on the 1st floor. She hasn't any other roommates and graciously is letting me bunk with her. A local friend that is going out to convention has volunteered to pick me up and another friend shopping today called and is getting the supplies I need for my classes. I feel really blessed by such good friends.
Next thing I will have to decide is what I can take to wear that will be able to fit over my cast. I do have a couple of skirts but prefer crop pants if I have any that the legs are wide enough to go over the cast.
Feel another nap coming on so will close now. Maybe I can find that small quilt and get to quilting on it.
I am glad the surgery went well.
I wish you a quick recovery.
Yay! Glad to hear everything went so well! Great about the quilt conference. Have a better time between now and then.
Lurking Linda
I am finally catching up with my blogs. I am so sorry what happened to you. It is so easily done. Take it easy and don't try to push yourself too quickly. Lots of time for sewing!!
Glad to hear surgery went so well & your're on the mend.
Another Nebraska quilter
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