I have been doing a little sewing/quilting which I will post about in a day or two when I get my photos sized and the post written but for today I will show you some pictures I took of Daphinee (granddaughter’s spelling) and her kittens to keep you entertained.
The kittens are bigger now and running around more since these photos were taken 3 weeks ago. Don’t you just love the way little kittens look with their turned down ears?
John is still trying to catch them all each morning and give them a pet to keep them somewhat tame but they are fast at running behind the hay bales in the barn. Another surprise to us was when Emma (black and white momma cat) brought 2 kittens into the barn that are a little older then these 4. We didn't even know she had another litter and have no idea where she had them hidden until she brought them to the barn. John has been trying to catch them too but they had more time being wild and it is not so easy now. At least they are tame enough they don’t scratch and bite like fully wild kittens get.
That’s all for now,
There just cute, that one looks like he has a comb-over. LOL just to cute.
they are all cuties.
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