Sunday, June 14, 2015

Guild Challenge 2014/2015

My local guild challenge this year involved using a printed color pallet generated from photos that the challenge committee selected.  Members had to choose a envelope that contained the color pallet and not open it until they were home to discover what color pallet they had to use.  Each member got a different picture and color pallet and we were to use at least four of the colors in the pallet for our challenge quilt.  We were to make a table runner no smaller than 10” x 20” or larger than 18” x 48”.  The biggest challenge was that we had to have the piece of paper with the printed pallet with our completed challenge at the big reveal in May (not loosing it in the depths of your sewing things) plus we got the challenge in September and trying to keep it all a secret from other members until the May meeting.

I already showed you my challenge a while ago and now here are the rest of the challenge pieces.  They are all fantastic, enjoy.  I did post a photo of mine too, it's the orange, green and brown Mariner's compass table runner. IMG_1804 Verleen Vorderstrasse IMG_1805 Candiss Kirchhoff IMG_1806 Gloria Bernadt IMG_1807 Mary Isernhagen IMG_1809 Kathollene FangmeierIMG_1810 Ann Fraser IMG_1811 Deb Barbur IMG_1812 Margaret Karnatz IMG_1813 Patty Day IMG_1814 Barb Blincow IMG_1815 Charlotte Sell IMG_1816 Joanie Meyer IMG_1817 Phyllis Schoenholz IMG_1818 Lynn Greer IMG_1819 Audrey Trowbridge IMG_1808 Monica Meerkatz
Until Later,

1 comment: said...

Wow, they all look fantastic! I suggested a paint chip color challenge quilt for our show next year, but I had them use only one chip and a fat quarter of fabric the guild bought,(everyone got the same fabric fat quarter). L


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