Monday, March 23, 2009

No More Knotting Threads!

I just had one of those TA-DA moments I had to share with you. Up until this time after I have stitched my buttonhole line of stitching and ended it, I have been pulling the top thread to the back and tying the two threads into a double knot. Have been doing this with the beginning threads too and it is really time consuming to stop and tie knots all the time. Since I am using silk thread and small stitches I really didn't want any of them pulling out.

While stitching, stopping, and tying knots over and over this morning I was thinking there had to be an easier way to keep the silk threads I am using on the buttonhole stitching from coming undone besides tying knots.

What I tried and it worked was doing a tiny straight stitch up to the point where I wanted to start buttonhole stitching. This stitching is done right next to the applique on the background fabric and will be covered by the first buttonhole stitches.

I then turn the fabric around with the needle in the fabric and switch to the buttonhole stitch. Do the buttonhole stitching to the end of the line, turn my work and switch to the tiny straight stitch and go back over the line I just buttonholed for several stitches. I try to keep this stitching right over the other stitching next to the applique on the background. I probably stitch back over about 3 to 4 stitches then cut my threads.

My 730 Bernina has a place where I can program in the settings for the stitches I use most so have these two stitches programed. I only have to press the icon for the stitch and it switches it from buttonhole to straight and it keeps all the settings for width, length, needle position, etc.

This has saved me loads of time...that is why I wanted to share it with you. Probably lots of people already do this but it was new for me.

I did some simple drawings to illustrate my method and posted the photo below. Click on it to make the larger.
Thundering now - maybe we will get some rain.
Happy, Happy Quilting Today,


Linda said...

How clever of you. I'll have to try that.
BTW I love your applique'.

Geta Grama said...

Thanks for sharing this !


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