Have you ever tried to get a photo of yourself….taken by yourself and have it look natural? I was asked by the local newspaper to send them a photo of myself holding my miniature quilt as they are going to publish something about the quilt getting to go to the AQS quilt show in Paducah. That was yesterday and the reporter wanted the photo today…YKES!
The reporter called late afternoon and the light was fading and I wanted a photo using natural light taken in my house rather than using flash which casts shadows so getting it done yet yesterday was out of the question. I had planned to have John take the photos for me but he had commitments all morning and after lunch too so that didn’t work out either. My only choice then was to take them myself.
Got the tripod and the wireless shutter release all set up and the camera positioned in front of my design wall that I cleaned off for this photo shoot….well, partially cleaned off anyway. Next decision was what to wear and took shots of 3 different tops and scarves before deciding the brown with the scarf was the best choice. Decided a scarf hid my turkey skin neck a bit so wore one for the final photo. Here are a few of the many goof up photos that wouldn’t work for various reasons and you can see how hard it is. After all how do you smile naturally when there is no one there and then there is holding the quilt straight, position of the hands, backgrounds, hair, etc. to think about.
Head cocked a little too cutsie and don’t like the red scarf. Wooden smile too.
Problem with a finger in each of these…whoops!
Forgot to lower my hand that was holding the shutter release plus holding onto the back of the quilt makes it look like it is floating in air. “Look ma, no hands” and it is tipped again. I had a big problem holding the quilt level in a lot of the photos.
My scarf was overlapping the quilt in these two photos.
Too far to one side and the stuff I left on the design wall is showing. (I know, a real mess right now!) Plan to crop the photo but even cropped this would present a problem. Had a hair appointment this afternoon to get a hair cut so decided to snap a few more when I got home and they do look better, I didn’t realize how frumpy my hair was before. Actually, the one I cropped and sent to the newspaper reporter was the very last photo I took. Finally I smiled naturally, held the quilt level and removed more stuff from the design wall so it wouldn’t interfere before I snapped the photo.
Here is what my photo shoot set up looked like...now don’t laugh too much. Hard to believe there is so much stuff on my sewing table but I didn’t want to move it as I am in the middle of another project and it wasn’t showing in the photo anyway. I had to sit on a pile of magazines to make me higher too. I did have the blind up when I shot the photos but for this one I needed it down so you could see the room and all it’s amenities.
So, if you ever need a portrait of yourself and have hours to spend with someone who has minimum equipment and knowledge just give me a call!
Until Later,