OK, next I decided to echo quilt around the flower motif. I echo quilted around the swags with a larger spacing and around the feathers with a small echo so the flower echo was quilted between those two sizes. I quilted all 4 corners then stopped and put it up to study some more before I continue. I do like the echo quilting so much better than the stipple quilting I did earlier. I am thinking of continuing the echoing in the rest of the spaces around the flowers.
See I told you I am taking my time doing this quilt but guess it is getting ridiculous with just a bit of quilting being done each day. Oh well, the important part is that I am liking the process and don’t feel pressured to do it quickly even though I do want to get it finished by next week when I have my shoulder surgery. If I get it done good and if I don’t that is OK too.
Maybe I can get some quilting done tomorrow afternoon. We are supposed to get some ice and maybe snow but I have to make a trip the Hastings first thing in the morning so hope it holds off until at least tomorrow afternoon. I can wish that we don’t get a storm but guess you can not control Mother Nature and we take what we get.
I did like the stipple quilting. The feathers and swags and applique lift off the surface- but so we all have our preferences!
You are a strong woman...I have some hand quilting in the border of the quilt I'm doing now that I've been putting off taking out for three years. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow so I don't drag the task into the new year...
Seasons Best, Sharyn
Like Marie said stipple does make the applique stand out. But I'm also a fan of echo quilting. Either one is correct in the right place. It sure takes patience to get all that quilting out. I'm not sure that I'm that way.
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