I like to have hot tea and would heat 2-3 cups of water in microwave each morning and would brew my tea using loose leaf tea in a tea ball strainer but always had to re-heat the brewed tea or heat more water as it always got cold. Not a huge problem but I like my hot tea HOT. I have one of the pretty glass coffee presses and it works but just doesn’t keep my tea hot.
Before Christmas I was looking through Amazon.com and came across several different insulated coffee/tea presses. I immediately knew this would work for me…easy to use, easy to clean and hot tea for several hours, plus they looked pretty.
I settled on this stainless steel insulated pot and ordered it and have not been sorry I did. I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. It holds 3 cups of water which fills about 2 1/2 mugs of tea which is just the right amount for me. I like that I can put the tea leaves in the pot and when I am finished and need to clean up I can just rinse it out and the leaves go down the disposal. I always had tea leaves sticking to the tea ball strainer so it is nice to just rinse out the pot and swish…they are gone!
The lid/press looks like the above. Some tea leaves might stick to the bottom but a quick rinse and they come loose and down the drain like the rest of the used leaves.
I do like that it looks pretty sitting on my table or by the computer as well as the fact that it keeps my tea hot for several hours. So far I am not putting it in the dishwasher to keep the outside shiny and unscratched. I dry it immediately too so it won’t water spot.
Here is the web page on Amazon.com for this particular pot I ordered but look at all the other coffee presses for other models.
Tea, tea, tea, so many flavors and kinds – I love all kinds but right now my two favorites are Oolong and Lychee Black. I love the semi-sweet flavor of the Lychee Black so am choosing to drink it most mornings. I would like to drink tea all day long but need to have decaffeinated tea or water in the afternoons if I want to sleep at night so usually opt for drinking water which is good for me anyway.
Nice sunny day today. We didn't get much more snow last night and John estimates we had about 6-8" and it is very light and fluffy but slick as John found out this morning. He had to go to town and another guy slid through an intersection and they crunched together. Our pickup has a dent over the front wheel, passenger's side, plus did some damage under the headlight too. The pickup is old but it will still need to be fixed...guess we are lucky no one was hurt. John said it was kind of like slow motion as he hit the brakes too when he saw the guy coming across but they both slid together - Crunch.
I have quilt guild tonight and I will have John drive me in as I am not driving yet. We have not had a meeting since November so it will be good to see everyone.
Good coffee should not be bitter, but it's hard to find/make! I am remembering Coffee with the grown ups (Swedish), it was a ceremony almost. When I was "old enough" I could have coffee with half cream (not milk). The older members poured their coffee in their (deep) saucers to slurp it. Then we would all gobble up some kind of pastries. Yummy!
OK, this is not a comment about tea, but see what your story brought back in my memory bank? Thanks.
I am a Tea Jenny as well. Our kettle is never off!! We do have one cup of coffee a day, but only instant, as i find real coffee too strong for me. I like my tea very weak. My moth-in-law used to say I threatened the water with the tea! She used to brew it on top of the stove and it came out like tar!!
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