Being the curious person that I am, I asked where he had gotten them since I knew he had not made a trip anywhere recently. Would you believe he picked them up at the local grain elevator? Well you would be right if you said yes.
Now why would a grain elevator, a place where trucks deliver corn and soybeans, have fresh flowers? It turns out that one of the men that works there travels from a town about 30-40 minutes away and his wife happens to work at a flower shop in that town. He brought a sign up
list to the elevator a week or so before Valentines day and took orders for flowers then brought them early Monday morning for the guys to pick up and deliver to their sweeties. Isn’t that the best!
When you live a long ways from amenities it is nice to have someone use a little ingenuity. I know I was not the only surprised wife or girlfriend around here as John said there were several bouquets sitting in a box waiting to be picked up yet when he was there. It was nice to be really surprised and I am still smiling!
I love this!! Only in a small town. sweet! what a great story! thanks for sharing!
They are gorgeous! They have opened up beautifully. That was a genius idea to take orders that way.
Pretty smart guy at the elevator! :)
The roses look like sunshine, how lovely!
LOL. Love it! I lived most of my life in a small Iowa town so I can definitely relate! Good for John!
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