Here are the fabric selections for the next bag/purse I will make. Don’t you just love it? I will use the green as an accent so most of the bag will be made with the black fabrics.
I have been sketching ideas for changing the bag flap for this bag in my sketch book. I do know I will make the bag 1” narrower and 1” shorter to make a smaller bag as well as changing the flap. As you see I had several ideas for the flap but have settled on the sketch on bottom left corner. I drew and sketched out several different possibilities for the flap bottom edge but settled on the top one with the more gentle curves.
Now that the pattern has been planned and drafted it is time to get started. Hope I have enough time to get this bag stitched this week but I have several other commitments that demand my time too.
I will be doing a program for the Grand Island quilt guild on Thursday night on my doll bed quilts and other miniature quilts. Will need to spend some time tomorrow to get the program all organized and quilts collected and packed in my rolling tote. That is one good thing about making miniature quilts - they don’t bulk up much so I can travel with many small quilts and the doll beds in one large tote that I strap to a rolling luggage cart so it is easy transport.
We are entertaining the saddle club on Saturday night so we definitely need to clean house and get ready for 20-30 people coming to dinner. I don’t have to make all the food – it is going to be a pot luck dinner. For those that don’t know, a pot luck dinner is one in which everyone that comes brings one or two dishes to share and pot luck dinners usually turn out with a big variety of foods.
John has said he will help me get the house ready for Saturday night. That is much appreciated as it takes a lot of work to get the house clean, tables set up, and ready for company. Most times I end up doing most of the cleaning myself so will welcome any help.
You might wonder what is a saddle club? Well the saddle club we belong to is a group of people and their families that enjoy riding horses. This club sponsors and puts on a trail ride each fall and has monthly meetings. We have our meetings at the local restaurant/bar and mostly just eat and plan rides and activities for the members and their families. Of course you may not know it but I do NOT ride horses but do enjoy the group and in fact am the secretary for this year. Not a big job since we don’t have much business but I do send out a newsletter each month to remind members of the up coming meetings and activities. I am not the only non-rider in the group so don't feel left out when the group is doing a riding event.
Well enough about my schedule this week. I do know the sewing room/office will be the last area to be cleaned so I can work on the bag when ever I can sneak in and have a few minutes to stitch.
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