Beading that first needle case was so much fun I wanted to do more beading right away. Looked through my sewing stuff and found this needle case that had been given to me so decided to use it.

I didn't have any of the Delica beads but did have some seed beads that I thought could work so used them. I wanted to bead another round item right away so I wouldn't forget how to do it. I didn't use a pattern but put 3 rows of the iridescent blue beads on then on the next round added half the beads of the iridescent red and half of the blue then off set them each row so they would swirl around the tube. Was an easy pattern to do and I could tell if I made a mistake right away.

Here is the finished needle case. For the lid I just did 3 rows of the alternating colors then did something similar for the top of the lid. I did do the bottom all in the blue beads. I think the tops and bottoms are the hardest, especially when you get to the tiny center. I just guessed where to put the final beads and it looks OK.

This was certainly fun and really didn't take all that long to do. I am anxious to find some of the Delica beads and another project now.
Must finish this up as I need to get out and start running the grain cart. Wish me well and that I learn the controls of the new tractor and grain cart!
That's a beautiful beaded needle case.
Your needle case is lovely. Will look ot the photos soon.
Very beautiful ! You have a lot of patience to make this !
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