Yes, it is almost time for the annual AQS Quilt Show in Paducah. I wonder if all the beautiful dogwood trees will be finished blooming by the time we arrive since a large part of the US has had an earlier than normal spring this year. I just love the sight of these beautiful trees covered with large white or pink blossoms but am not counting on seeing them this year.
I am trying to make a list of things I want to look at or purchase when my sisters, niece, friend and I go in a couple of weeks. We stay with a wonderful woman who is the mother in law of my friend and she lives right in Paducah, how great is that! I am so thrilled and feel so blessed to get to spend time with my family and friends, attend the show, excited to see the winning quilts and to shop, shop, shop.
I am again asking for your help. Are there any notions, tools, fabrics, fusibles, interfacings, pins, needles, scissors, patterns, books (basically anything related to sewing or quilting) that you think I should consider getting or at least taking a look at. What are those things that you absolutely love? I do have a list that I started after I got home last year that I add to as the year goes along but always like recommendations too so please comment on your favorites of any sewing related item.
I do call this a shopping list not necessarily a buying list. Some things that I have seen advertised I just want to see in person and I may or may not be interested in buying them but want to find and look at them, see how they work, etc.
This year we should not see flooding like last year when the flood gates had to be installed and the show venues rearranged in a short amount of time. They show staff did a wonderful job but hope they don’t have that kind of emergency again. We didn’t find any problems with any of the moving around last year and know we will have just as good a time this year even if there are no changes.
Guess that is all for now,
Have a WONDERFUL time (like you need to be told - lol). This show (as several others) are on my 'bucket list' - someday, maybe when I retire???!!
Lynn, you are headed to the right place to see all of those notions and other supplies that we read about in the magazines - lots of the vendors will be doing demos so you can see how they work. Just put on your most comfortable walking shoes - we always say, "dress to the ankles and take care of your feet." See you soon in Paducah!
I am writing under the choice of Anonymous only because I don't have a google acct, I have hotmail at this time.
I have to say I actually do not sew, haven't learned, per say ( I guess I can say that I can whip stitch a hem! My love is cross-stitching and making no-sew fleece blankets. I was so glad to come across your blog. I was looking for a different edging I could use that didn't involve sewing with a machine or hand sewing (just being honest about the sewing part, lol!), I came across the instructions for the edging segment you did where as you use a crochet hook (N). I was VERY CARELESS as I did not read the very beginning where you say you made one-layer blankets,did not watch any tutorials, etc. I just thought the edging was different and looked fun to try. I understood the particular steps 1-3 not even paying attention to the 1 layer pic right on the page :( , purchased my (N) crochet hook and follow the instructions as per cutting the 2 x 2 squares and 1 inch strips. This cognitive faux pas... aka not paying attention...has me @ a stand-still because I working on a 2-layer fleece project.
Could you direct me to any other options besides machine sewing. If not, I will tie as usual. Oh, and btw, Paducah, Ky is 45min-1hour from where I live, straight south from Illinois. I have heard of the quilt show, but have never attended. I'll have to l/u the home-page for the event and see about fleece quilting, Thx, Karen My email address:
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