Since our barn is not real large we decided that a 4’ square barn quilt would be the right size and also a 4’ square for the Quonset too. I purchased one sheet of 3/4” exterior plywood and had it cut in half to make the two 4” squares. I painted all sides with white exterior primer paint then a coat of white exterior paint.
I decided I wanted a border to surround each of my blocks to separate it from the white barn. The boards were not exactly 4’ square so figured out what number would be easily divisible for the quilt blocks and the left over measurement was divided in half to make the size of the border. Each barn quilt has a slightly different border size because each has a different basic grid. Because of the block design I chose to use red, white and blue paint with gold as an accent for each of the blocks.
I first taped off the area that would be the gold star on each block then painted it. It took two coats of paint to cover and since exterior plywood is a little rough there was some paint leakage under the tape. I decided to wait until I was done to touch up the bleeds.
The areas for the blue paint was taped off next and painted and again I painted the blue with two coats. I used a small roller to apply the paint and that worked really well. Between coats I put the roller in a plastic bag to keep it from drying out.
The red paint was a problem as the first paint I brought home looked more peach than red, returned it to the lumber yard where I bought it and they worked to make it redder. The problem I found out later is that to make a good red you need a red base paint and the local lumber yard didn’t have red base. The second color was more dark orange…definitely not good for patriotic blocks. I did get some red at Wal-Mart a few days later that is the true red I wanted. This red paint was not as thick as the other paint and it took 3 coats to make it solid and not blotchy but it is the true red color I wanted.I also painted the edges of the barn quilts the color of the border so that the color wraps around the side too.
When I was finished painting all the sections I used a small flat artist brush to sharpen up the edges of the color blocks. I know the bleeding wouldn’t show when they were up on the barn but being a perfectionist I couldn’t leave them like this.
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The barn quilt blocks look great! Thanks for the instructions - I've been thinking of making one for the side of the garage at our lake cabin.
I am so glad you did this, I pass many barns and I always hope that there would be a barn quilt and then no such thing. I love the pattern - you will make someone happy.
You did a wonderful job on these quilt pictures. Your red is great & really patriotic!!! I bet that took a long time to do--but is worth the effort
Love these! Want to do one for my garage.
Very nice!!! They will look so cool.
Fabulous idea, Lynn. I don't have a barn and will never have one, but I will keep in mind this idea.
Thank you for sharing.
Love these!! Think I should go buy a barn just so I can make them. :)
They both look great!
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