Friday, January 23, 2015

Weekends...Filled to the Brim!

When a person thinks of weekends they usually think of the words “relaxing, hanging around at home, being lazy…words like those right?  You also may think along the terms of entertainment.  Now that the league teams for basketball and volleyball have started for our four grandchildren we are driving to watch them play in tournaments - our weekend entertainment.  Three are in basketball leagues and one in volleyball.  This past weekend we watched 5 different basketball games with 3 grandkids participating in 3 different towns.  Two of the towns were close together but still an hour from where we live and the other town is 2 1/2 hours from here.IMG_2953I won’t point out which children are my grandchildren to protect their privacy but the above photo is of the youngest and his team of 3rd graders  (age 8 and 9.)  They were so darned cute and when there was a loose ball you would have thought it was a football game the way they all piled on.  The hoop was lowered some from the standard height but it was still a lot taller than they were.IMG_2907This a photo of the little ones brother playing with his team.  The 5th and 6th grade (10-11 yr old) boys have a lot more skill to be sure than the little ones.  Watched two games from this team.IMG_2993This granddaughter’s games (8th grade 13 -14 yr olds) were 2 1/2 hours from our home and the last game started at 7.  We were so tired when we got home but really enjoyed watching two of her games.

Now if you have been counting you figured out we watched 5 basketball games in 2 days.  Two were on Saturday and 3 were on Sunday.  The Sunday games were interesting as we had to drive an hour to get to the first game and when it was over we got back in our car and drove about an hour and a half more to get to the last two games.  With going to church first on Sunday morning we were occupied all day and by the time we drove home we were pooped!  We both were having trouble staying awake on the drive and John was driving, yikes!.  I tried to be entertaining and think of things to talk about to help keep him going the last few miles but we both breathed a sigh of relief when we pulled into the driveway to our home.

We really enjoy watching them play in the games but getting to stay home all day the day after and not have any plans to drive anywhere was lovely!


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