This whole sample is stitched with this thread except the background quilting on the bottom triangle which is stitched with Dual Duty cotton covered polyester machine embroidery thread. The size 12 topstitch needle slipped in and out of the fabric so smoothly. I’ve found that the more smoothly the needle goes in and out of the fabric the more easily it is to get smooth curves.
Other info on this quilt sample – cotton batting but don’t know brand, Bottom Line thread by Superior Threads in the bobbin, 12/80 topstitch needle. Again I will definitely use this thread again.
My sewing machine was off limits to me for a few days as our granddaughters were here and they were busy doing their 4-H sewing. They both love to sew and chose to make flannel PJ pants. It was so nice this year in that they finally really “get it” and could stitch on their own after checking with me to be sure they were doing it right. The pants are finished and ready for the fair and the girls are thrilled to get to sew something they will get to wear. They have gone home now so it is quiet here and I am back to stitching my samples and doing a little gardening.
I started cleaning out a sewing closet while the girls were here and pulled everything out and have it sorted, organized and things are put away but…….I have lots of stuff left over. I have to sit down and decide how much I can get rid of or store in another place. I do know it is not getting put back into that closet.
Nebraska has been experiencing a real heat wave lately. Wednesday my oldest granddaughter S. was finishing up sewing and it was already 7 pm when she noticed the thermometer and let me know it was still 104 degrees F. We were glad we were inside and not out in that heat. I don’t know how hot it got during the day but know it was rather miserable outside. These hot days are hard on livestock and hard on crops as well as the people that have to be outside working. John comes in the house just wringing wet and I try to make sure he is drinking enough water and gets to cool down.
Tomorrow is our town celebration so hope it is cooler (94 degrees F today.) I plan to go to the garage sales in the morning, lunch served at noon at the tractor pull, barbeque in the evening followed by a parade and fireworks. I plan to skip the 5K walk, jog, run and the tractor pull in the morning. If it is hot I plan to come home and cool off in my house between activities.
Well – that’s it for now.
Each little sampler you do is a little work of art! Thought of tu ring these into a sample book? I bet a few people would like to have one for reference
Oh Lynn - what a first-rate post! Your examples are excellent as well as description of the various threads. Thank you so much. I have heard about "trilobal" but never tried it. I DO have some poly threads that I use on the bottom, that work very well - it's time for me to investigate further. Your examples ARE works of art - thank you!
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