I decided to start stitching up samples using the different threads in my collection. Most of my samples use cotton batting and I am also using up small pieces in these thread samples. I am stitching different quilting designs using the threads. At first I cut up solid fabrics I had on hand but have also purchased some more solids as I used up what I had pretty quickly. Solids show the stitches better than patterned fabrics.
I used a permanent pen to mark the information on each sample. Here are the things I noted on the samples;
1. Brand, Weight, Color of Thread
2. Batting if known
3. Machine needle size
4. Stitch length if using Bernina Stitch Regulator
5. Tension number
6. Bobbin thread
This first sample was stitched with Invisafil thread by Wonderfil. It is a 100 wt. thread so is a very fine thread. At first I had trouble with the thread breaking but after I loosened the tension it worked great. I would use this on a quilt that would not take a lot of use like wall hangings or miniatures. It reminded me of stitching with silk thread as it has a sheen and is so fine. I am not sure it would hold up on bed quilts. Has anyone used this thread to machine quilt with?
This sample was stitched on my Bernina 730 with the Bernina Stitch Regulator foot, Bamboo Batting by Fairfield, 12/80 topstitch needle and default settings for stitch length and tension.
So far I am using Bottom Line by Superior Threads for the bobbin thread in all my samples. Check back as I will be sharing my other stitching samples with you and if you have a thread you especially like for machine quilting please let me know and if I do not have it I might be able to get a spool to try.
what a good idea, I will check back often to see what you have done with your threads. Do you use your BSR a lot?
Another good idea to file away in the back of my mind for "someday".
Wonderful idea!
What a good idea! I do get sick of re-inventing the wheel!
Love this idea.
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