Wow – what a summer full of fun activities. My thread samplers have come to an end for a bit until things slow down some and I have a chance to get to my machine.
The photo at the top is of myself and my roommates at QuiltNebraska, the annual quilt convention for the Nebraska State Quilt Guild, held near Omaha this year. (I am 3rd from the left) The theme this year was a take off from Harry Potter and was a lot of fun - there was an abundance of robes and wands. Attendees were divided into houses named after famous Nebraska quilters. My roomies and I were in the Haight house named after Earnest Haight. Here are a couple pages that tell why he is famous in Nebraska….Quilt Index and the page on the QuiltNebraska website. The convention chairmen really worked hard to have good natured competitions and the Haight house has the honor of getting the highest number of points - go Haight.
I was not able to attend the entire convention this year as my oldest daughter received her Master’s Degree so missed the first full day, but I was so proud of her. She teaches school so has been doing Masters classwork for the last 3 years in the evenings and weekends plus has two young daughters and to top it off she and her husband built a new house this last year. I asked her what she was going to do now that they are moved into the house and her studying for her advanced degree is done and she said she was just going to live like normal people do.
QuiltNebraska is held each year on the last full weekend in July. It is a full weekend of classes, banquets, quilt displays, merchant’s mall and other activities. Here is the web page where you can find information and photos from QNE 2012. Will photograph and tell you what I did in the class I took but that will be another blog post.
Besides the QuiltNebraska convention, this summer I have had grandchildren twice for several days, two family reunions, a high school class reunion, have been trying to keep up with the garden and yard, preserved almost 50 pints of sweet corn for the freezer, attended one fair to watch our grandkids show their 4-H sheep, sewing and other projects and have another fair for two other grandchildren next week…No wonder I have no time to sew in the summer!
Watching the Olympics tonight – I just love watching the young men and women compete. I know nothing about the sports but can cheer on my favorites anyway. My grandson asked me tonight how long they were going to be on TV. I told him I thought it was 2 weeks and he said, “Oh, no…mom will have to watch it for the whole two weeks.” He really didn’t want to watch them this evening here either but I am glad I taught my daughter to love them too!
Until later,
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