I put the 1/4" foot on my machine, lay a ruler or any straight edge under the foot with the right side even with the right side of the foot. Lower the presser foot to hold it in place then put a piece of tape along that edge. The tape needs to be as long as the squares you are sewing together. I use painters tape as it doesn't leave a residue when removed.

After the entire batch of squares are stitched down one side, flip the squares and start stitching down the other side using the same method.

My squares are 3" to start and the finished half square triangles are trimmed down to 2 1/2". There isn't a lot to trim but enough to make them perfect.
I have stitched 120 of these pairs together so far. I do have about 20 more to trim yet though. Think after these are trimmed I will start putting some of them in blocks.
Happy to be Stitching,
Ohhh I wish I had thought of that about 700 HST's ago.
What a clever way to stitch HST ! Thank you for sharing, I will try this method.
I think you have a typo in this post title?
Half Square Trinagles
I'm not red-penciling your blog but I don't see them anywhere else so am guessing you try to avoid them :)
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