I am not sure this is the setting I am going to use but wanted to look at the value of the blocks so stuck them up on my flannel board in this diagonal line setting. Not looking too bad but there are a few muddy areas. I don't plan to rip any of the blocks as I think there are enough of the good valued blocks to make any design work.
We are kind of at a stand still here as far as harvest goes right now. We did get the rest of one field done so we can get it fenced for the cattle to graze on the stalks and dropped corn. The moisture was still up to 23% Tuesday afternoon when we finished it. It was a good feeling to finish and it was just in time as it started showering as I was dumping the last load from my grain cart into the truck.
It showered off and on during night and was still drizzling today. Was a very grey, wet day. I took advantage of not being in the field to get my hair cut and get to a dentist apt. Glad I didn't postpone the dentist apt. as it worked out that we were not harvesting today anyway. It may be a few days before it is dry enough in the field to get out there again.
Good thing I can spend the day in the house I need to finish cleaning tomorrow since the guest speaker at our quilt guild meeting tomorrow night will be staying with me. Actually she will be here until Sat. morning since she is teaching a workshop that day for our guild. Will be fun to have her visit as we knew each other in college and have renewed our friendship over the years through the Nebraska State Quilt guild.
Fun time the next few days!
The blocks look really good. You are having the same kind of weather, as we are- wet and miserable!
I love what you have done with the colors and values :) I found you on the selvage blog and thought i would stop by! Hope you are having a great day!
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