I recently purchased this new bag pattern, BB Bags by Mickey BeeBe, at my friend’s quilt shop, Quilter’s Delight in Holdrege. She had one made up in the larger size that I fell in love with so had to get the pattern. When I say larger size it is only 8” wide and 6 1/2” long…just the right size for me. This bag will fit a check book across it’s width and has several pockets. These bags have long shoulder straps too so they can be worn across the body over the shoulder. I seem to like that kind as they don’t fall off and I can have both hands free.
Want to make the smaller size sometime too as they might come in handy when I just need some cash, credit card and some money. Think the middle sized one will fit a passport.
I chose to use the fabrics below for the bag. They are drapery samples I purchased at the Joann Fabric store that is having a liquidation sale in Grand Island. They are moving to a new location and guess they are not taking any of the merchandise in the old store with them. Last time I was there it was down to 50% off most items.
The drapery samples are maybe just a little smaller than a fat quarter and come in so many great patterns, textures and fiber content. After I was home and looking at the grouping I did eliminate the dark brown. I had decided to use a stiffer black woven fabric for the strap and the brown just didn’t look good with everything at that point. Since we were making so many trips to Grand Island for the State Fair I stopped and got this fabric to go with the rest. The samples are all on these cute short hangers….keeping the hangers as they might come in handy for something.
After cutting out all the pieces I only had these small pieces of fabric left. The largest piece is a textured fabric so only wanted to use it on the outside of the bag. I did have to piece some fabrics together to make them large enough to cut the pattern pieces. One pocket was pieced vertically using two different fabrics – made it look like a design choice. The other was pieced on a corner and will never show as it is an inside pocket.
I did secure the seam allowances though. I first pressed the seams open then top stitched on either side of the seam so the seam allowances won’t curl up or roll after the bag is used.
One thing I did that I wish I wouldn’t have was to use too much interfacing. The fabrics were a little heavier than quilting cottons so don’t know why I thought I needed to double interface the outside layers. This really makes it too stiff but didn’t realize it until the bag was stitched together. It also added bulk to the outside edge.
Stay tuned for the big reveal on the next post.
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