John standing on the deck outside the combine cab for this photo op. The new combine is working well so he has a smile on his face even though you can’t see it.
This photo shows the driver of the tractor/grain cart dumping the harvested corn onto one of the semi-trucks which will haul it to the grain elevator or our bins.
This was my job a few years ago. I couldn’t help last year because of my broken ankle and I really don’t like running that large equipment and asked John if he could get along without me that would be just fine and dandy as far as I was concerned. I didn’t have to be in the tractor at all this year but concentrated my efforts on making good hot meals to take to the field. Our crew doesn’t like to stop and eat anything with a fork or spoon so I had to be real creative to make hot, hand held meals. Think I did a good job as John commented several times on how good something tasted. The crew all bring sack lunches at noon so I would just bring something hot at night for the evening meal (actually think they bring small coolers but you get the idea.) They put in long days working until 10 pm at night lots of nights during harvest so everyone is relieved when it is over.
Glad the new combine is working out so well. I love seeing harvest time, thanks for sharing.
We've been watching a program on (is it?) Discovery Channel called "Harvest". Being the city girl that I am, I found it interesting, but had to ask the farm boy I married questions occasionally.
I'd love to hear your ideas for hot hand held meals. We are done combining for the year, but I would love to know what you made them.
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