I like to have slick or slippery surface when I am machine quilting. The quilt moves easier and my shoulders and arms don’t get so tired if the surface is smooth and slick. I do have one of the
Supreme Sliders, a small Teflon sheet, taped to my machine but it only covers an area about the size of a piece of copy paper. It works well and I do like it but need/want a larger area that is slippery.
I read about using silicone spray so set out to find some and give it a try. I found this can in the hardware department so bought it and took it home. At first I didn’t want to just

spray the sewing table surface and take a chance on getting drift of spray into my sewing machine so I sprayed it on a cloth and wiped the table. That worked but did take a little time to do. Next I covered my machine and tried spraying the table and that also worked and was much faster. I was really surprised at what a good job it did in making the quilt move so much easier when I was machine quilting. After a few days of quilting I did re-apply it to keep it slick. I don’t know if the spray would cause problems with the workings of my sewing machine but just didn’t take the chance so that is why I covered it before I sprayed the silicone.
Have any of you used silicone spray and how did you like it? Any problems with it?
Happy Quilting,
Yes, I've used it but I'm out. In the meantime, I use just plain old Pledge on my plastic surface sewing desk. Works great. I've used silicon spray (dry) on the foot pedal as it sometimes sticks and sews on it's own. The silicone solves that problem.
I have used silicone spray for years on my quilting surface, and spray it on the bed of my Bernina as well to keep it slippery. It has never harmed my machine. Just becareful while spraying that it doesn't get on the floor.....it will be like an ice skating rink.......eek!
LuAnn in Oregon
I love my supreme slider, but I have to agree--it needs to be larger. I have found that if you are quilting on a larger flat surface, the quilt doesn't slide out of control--just on the 'slider'. I set my ironing board next to my sewing cabinet and drop it down to the sewing cabinet level. Between using the slider and having more flat surface space, it works really well. However, your idea of using a silicone spray on the surface is one worth trying! Thanks!
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