My sister and her husband just visited us overnight on their way to visit my mother and my sis brought a quilt top she is putting together and I wanted to show you how pretty hand cross-stitched blocks can look. She cross-stitched these 12 pre-printed blocks at least 10 years ago and had them tucked away ever since then. She did tell me that the blocks were originally 16” square but she trimmed them down to 14” so there wouldn’t be so much white in the quilt. You can’t see it too well but there is one row of pink cross-stitches in an design around the flower and leaves in each block.

She has pieced a section of scrappy 2” squares to add width between the blocks and added a floral print as sashing around each block. My photos just don’t show how delicate the blocks look and how springy the quilt will be with the two pink fabrics used in the outside borders between more pieced 2” blocks.

She has a church group lined up to do the hand quilting so is wanting to get the borders on and the quilt ready when they call. I can’t wait to see it finished.
My sister has not done a lot of quilt piecing but has sewn her whole life and can stitch up a garment in no time flat and she does a good job on her quilt piecing too. Both my sisters and I sewed clothing starting from age 7 or 8 as our mother was a great seamstress and taught her daughters to love to sew as well. Mom is so glad we all still love to sew even though she isn’t able to anymore and always likes to see what projects we are working on. I am sure she is going to love seeing this pretty pink quilt.
Happy Quilting,
The quilt is lovely and your Mother will enjoy seeing it. My Mother sewed all of our clothes and so did my mother-in-law. I think I will need to learn and start with baby doll clothes.
So pretty. The floral borders around the blocks with the pieced sashing really gives it POW. Much better than just plain sashing. Cutting the blocks down to get rid of some of the white was smart too. After all, it's the embroidery that you want people to pay attention to.
I have never been in love with cross stitching but this one really appeals to me - perhaps it's because of the little squares/blocks, which are also delicate and small. Very pretty, and I'm surprised I love it!
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