I know I should have figured out what I wanted to quilt in the borders of my Guild Panel Challenge before I basted and quilted the center but I was just too impatient and figured I would deal with it later.

I got the middle quilted and then came to a complete stop when I didn’t know what to quilt in this approximately 6” wide border. (I worked really hard to get those wiggly stripes in the black fabric to match on the corners too.) I wasn’t sure how I would even mark the designs I did come up with but I decided I wanted a curvy border so set about getting my curves figured out and drawn on to long pieces matching the border lengths. I keep a end roll of newsprint I got from the local newspaper office for free to draw my designs on-check it out to see if your newspaper office has these end rolls for free or little charge. You can cut off large pieces of paper to use to draw long border designs, quilting designs, applique designs or for kids to draw and color on.

I started out drawing the number of sections each border would have and drew a gentle curve to be the center spine of my design. I had several copies of each of these borders to sketch ideas on in pencil with the spine drawn in a dark black marker. As you can see I was thinking of curl back parts on the design. I had several design ideas and tweaked and tweaked the design until I came up with my final design.
Here are the final border designs, drawn out with black and orange marker. As you can see I abandoned the back curls and I only drew only half the border as the other half is just the same only reversed.

I do like the design and tomorrow I will show and tell you how I got this design transferred to the black border of the basted quilt so stay tuned.
Until Later,
Wow! You did a great job of mitering and matching the squiggly lines in your border fabric! Its beautiful. I can't wait to see the quilting on it!
You did a beautiful job matching the corners. Can't wait to see what you decide on for the quilting. :)
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