Friday, March 27, 2009

Bright or Dull?

I started working on another block yesterday - same basket of flowers but different fabrics. This one is going to be made into a quilt for me to keep. Figured while I was at it I should do it right away or I would never do one for myself. Cut all the pieces and arranged them then decided I needed to try a brighter fabric for the big flowers. The whole piece looked really dull with the first flowers so hope I sparked it up with a brighter pink.

Here are the two blocks, one with the dull flowers and one with the bright flowers. The colors are not exactly right on the computer but you get the idea. The basket is a dark purple batik. Even if I used the duller flowers I would re-make the upper flower as two of the petals are too dark - they don't even show up as part of the flower.

What do you think - bright or dull?

This piece of batik fabric was my inspiration for the fabric choices. May use a little of it in a border or just use it on the back. The print is small enough scale to use in the piecing so may do that...who knows will just have to see I guess.
Trying to get this block fused this morning as I want to do a little tidying up this afternoon. Daughter A is coming this evening with our two granddaughters - can't wait. They are so much fun and it has been a while since we have seen them.

It really got cold yesterday but we didn't get any of the predicted snow, however the wind blew all day and is still blowing so the cold temp. feel even colder. I almost laugh when I say the wind is blowing now after that horrible wind we had last Sunday and Monday. What we are having now seems a mere breeze!

Yesterday we had 5 calves born and there were two new ones this morning. That brings the total up to somewhere around 16 or 17. I was asked about our cows and for our area in the mid-west we have an average size cow herd with our near 100 cows. The cattle are beef cattle not milking cows so any milk the cows produce goes to feed her calf. We keep the calves with the cows until Dec. then wean them off the cows. Since the cows are pregnant again this gives the mother a time to build up some extra reserve before she has her new calf in March/April.

The weaned calves go into a lot by themselves and John feeds them until we sell them in January at the sale barn to a larger feedlot where they feed them to butchering size. The calves need to learn to eat out of a feed bunk. Most of them have been out in the cornstalks since we brought them home from the pasture and were eating grass as well as cow's milk all summer so they don't really know what a feed bunk is. Some catch on right away and some others it takes a while. We have hay for them in a feeder all the time too. The calves of course don't want to be away from their mothers and bawl and bawl for several days and nights, plus the cows are bawling too so it is quite noisy around here for about a week.

Guess that is enough about cows and calves for today.

Until later,

1 comment:

tich said...

I like the bottom block best. I usually go for burgundy, but the colours in the second block are just beautiful. I have spent yesterday and today reading all your posts. Your work is just amazing. Thanks for the tips about the No. 20 foot and a spot of paper glue for the buttonholing. I am making a penny rug (VERY slowly) and the tips worked great.


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